Our goal is to solve your pest problems with professionalism and use the best techniques to not leave residue and maintain a clean environment in your homes.
Our goal is to solve your pest problems with professionalism and use the best techniques to not leave residue and maintain a clean environment in your homes.
We offer our services to residential, commercial and industrial . Are complying with HACCP rules and regulations.
We are a company certified by the MDDEP ( license number P700163 ) , our technicians are certified by SOFAD . We are members of SPMAO , NPMA and CPMA .
We are also exclusive distributors in Canada VectorFog products ( www.vectorfog.com ) offering a wide range of misting products to stations for mice. Call us for a copy of our brochure.
We look forward to the opportunity to being able to be your preferred pest control supplier.
Team “Astro”